
Another Spring day = another Winter storm

 It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
 which is unfortunate, because it's the 35th day of Spring.
 We were visited last night not by Santa Claus but by Winter Storm Zeus
 who left an additional 8 inches of snow, making this not only the snowiest April  but also the snowiest month on record.
 Some critter left tracks heading south -- probably in search of a genuine Spring.
 Exactly one year ago we sat in the lawn chairs to watch
 Lassi stretching for greener pastures
 Momo and Chou Chou walking through the salad
 the whole herd headed out to the big pasture to nibble on budding trees
 and Cheeky with a spring in her step.
 This year she views the endless winter with disbelief.
 The not-yet-one-week-old boys, Myky
 and Chorizo are confined by the weather to the barn
 but are doing fine -- even after disbudding.
 The older girls, Geisha
 and Viva
 have been getting out
 to tear up and down the shoveled driveway.
 They must be snacking on flubber 
 because they spend most of the time in the air.
If we could harness that energy
we could go off the grid.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've nominated you for the Liebster Award! Hop on over to my blog and grab it :)
