
Waiting for the Stork

All is anticipation on the Farm as Alba nears her due date -- March 16.  She's delivered early in the past, so Barb checks on her frequently, even throughout the night.
Tibetan prayer flags (Barb's birthday gift from friend Janet) decorate the door to the goat barn and flutter above the outdoor pen
spreading good will and compassion and carrying blessings to all (especially, we hope, Alba and the forthcoming little ones).
On Feb 26 the Farmers drove down to Litchfield to help Barb's aunt Evelyn Obar celebrate her 90th birthday with family and friends.
Evelyn is spryer and more active than certain Farmers 25 years her junior.
(The two previous pictures courtesy of photographer extraordinaire
Cindy Doty-Obar.)
And on March 5 Barb was the highlight of Duluth public television's "'A' is for Appetizers," cooking up her famous goat cheese tart.
For a few days a fox was hanging around just in back of the Farm house.
It was hobbling around nursing an injured right leg
which did not prevent it from moving rather quickly
or scoring voles.
After each hunt, it would head off through the south meadow.  We haven't seen it for a few days now, but fox tracks were abundant in a recent snow.  We hope that its leg is healing from all that rodent protein.
Mr. T and Niblet enjoyed an adventure outside their pen after a bout of hoof-trimming.
T likes nothing better than endless noogies
and rubbing against Barb
or the long-suffering Niblet.  Soon he will passing out cigars to celebrate the arrival of his latest batch of cute little goatlets.

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