
High Summer

Everyone at MeadowWild Farm is luxuriating in high summer.
After such a long and intense previous winter, the warmth and greenery are especially welcome.
We’ve had some hazy, humid days 
and a high of 90 on July 21
but we've otherwise enjoyed temps mostly in the 70s
perfect weather for chasing madly up and down the driveway
and especially for munching on meadow flowers and tall grass
even getting lost in it
and trimming trees.
Chandra, a new and unexpected addition to the MeadowWild herd
(long story -- don't ask),
takes some time out to relax with Barb
(photo courtesy of Janet)
Mojo received some good news about his parental units recently.  His mom, Regel Katan Farm Ab Caana, is headed toward permanent Champion designation
while his dad, CH Windrush Farms IRS Charmer, just earned Premier Alpine Sire at the ADGA National show (meaning he had more daughters placing in the top 20 and top 5 than any other Alpine buck who had daughters at the show).  
With those kinds of genes, we’re expecting a lot from Mojo in the upcoming breeding season.
He's getting along well with his companion Amigo.
A distant view of them tap dancing on their reinforced truck topper
and here they're engaging in a heated tête-à-tête.
This little guy showed up at the front door wondering if Dustin could come out to play on a summer afternoon
but Dustin was otherwise occupied.
Barb was justly proud of the ingenious cheese smoker she fabricated two years ago
but when she recently tried to use it for a batch of mozzarella, she discovered that both the fire pit and connective tubing had been completely stuffed with dirt
the handiwork of our resident Franklin's ground squirrels.
She threatens to go all-out Carl Spackler on them.
MeadowWild Farm is richer for the addition of a new shed
which increases hay-storage capacity
and provides a milking area much easier to keep clean and bug-free.
The girls are a bit hesitant yet about walking to the new area
but get right down to business when they climb up on the new stand.
On July 19 the Farmers marked their ruby anniversary -- 
40 years of wedded bliss --
celebrating the occasion with two other veteran couples who also had June anniversaries:
Lyle and cousin Lila (40 years)
and friends Mike and Joyce (43 years).
(couple photos courtesy of Nancy)
Brother Dave and Brigitte kindly flew up from Baton Rouge for the festivities.
Reg in a moment of Zen bliss contemplating a Zapp's Crawtator.
Also this June Steve made his annual bicycle pilgrimage to the birthplace of Ernie Nevers
via a Munger Trail that still showed signs of a recent wind storm.
While we'd like to believe we're enjoying an endless summer, friend Larry Weber reports that some of our birds have already headed south, there are a few disturbing touches of orange and red in the woods, and the deadline is near for pre-buying the coming winter's propane.