
At Last . . . Twins!

To assist with midwifery, friend Janet came up for the weekend Dodger was due. Of course, perverse Dodger waited until after Janet had to leave on Monday morning.
A boy was the first to arrive, around 11:30 am. He's hefty (10.5 pounds), but was a much easier delivery than Niblet last year.
First a quick toweling off
then a nice warm blow dry
(his first impulse is to eat the dryer).
While the boy is being attended to, a girl suddenly pops out.
She, too, gets a quick styling
then it's time each had a good meal
with a little direction from the midwife.
The girl weighs in at a respectable 7.5 pounds.
Grooming by Mom takes up much of the day.
The boys in the adjacent pen are fascinated by the new arrivals.
Majority, especially, can't keep
his big nose to himself.
The next morning finds the kids resting comfortably.
Then it's back to grooming
and more advice about dining. The girl seems to be paying close attentionbut she doesn't quite get the hang of things, looking for an udder under her brother.
A rude awakening comes in the form of their first shots -- Selenium and Vitamin E --
but all is quickly forgiven. (They don't know yet about a date with the dehorning iron on Thursday.)
Nose to nose with Mom.The womb-mates stick close together.
The girl will probably be called Tammy Waynette (her father is Wayne).
Barb is letting the MPR Radio Heartland blogging community select a name for the boy. Current front runner is Artful (his mom is Dodger), but other nominees include Pascuale, Lucky, Pee Wee Reesie Cup, Duke Snidergoat, Don Goatsdale, Wayne Terwilligoat, Country Boy Eddie, Bubby, Oliver, Fagan, Roger, Dickens, Buck, Sullivan or Sully, and Bum.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Barb: Great job caring for the kidlets!

Steve: Great job capturing the moments for those of us who are wishing we could be there!

The proud great uncle