

The goats continue to enjoy their walks two or three times every day.

Niblet stops for refueling along the way.

Much of the time is spent munching on the landscape.

Dodger submerged in fresh food.

And checking for fan mail.

Back in the outdoor pen, a continuing game of "King of the Mountain."

Then a nap in the hay.

The geese showed up a few more times.

The three surviving goslings seem to be thriving, but then the whole family vanished again.

An uneasy truce is holding between the older and younger domestic fowl.

Some of the oldsters were particularly unwelcoming to the young 'uns.

But as the newbies grow bigger and bolder, the coop and yard remain relatively peaceful.

The rest of the critters carry on with their routines -- the red squirrels going through a small fortune in corn each day . . .

and the cats napping.

The farmers enjoy no such leisure, working over several days to remove old straw from the goat barn . . .

and the chicken coop.

Grant Wood would be proud.

The meadows were gorgeous before haying.

Neighbors Tom & Gretchen maintain a huge, weed-free, orderly, magnificent potato patch.

Barb's gardens reflect a different philosophy ("Why can't we all just get along with a few weeds?"), but the produce is coming along nicely.

The grapes especially look good and may be her best bet for a blue ribbon at the upcoming Carlton County Fair.

Spiders are hard at work in the goat barn.

Barb hard at work (in hazmat gear) on another batch of goat's milk soap.

An unusual double rainbow after one morning shower.

Caroline in Vikings colors beneath her Vikings-colored hanging basket.

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