We were hoping for a long, mild, colorful autumn,
as John Belushi says.
Instead, Old Man Winter arrived early and settled in
bringing temperatures below freezing for much of the month
and even several nights below zero.
The front pond iced over thick enough for neighbor Tom to skate on.
and the snow is likely to stick around till spring.
Applesickles still cling to the top of one tree, which the deer couldn't reach.
But MeadowWild is ready for winter; heated water buckets are plugged in
and the goats have deep soft beds to relax in
and plenty of munchies to stoke their internal furnaces.
Despite the cold and snow, business goes on -- and at this time of year, that business is breeding. Eris finally got in the mood to romance Mojo
(as a jealous Ice looks on; "Put me in, Coach!")
and agree to a couple of speed dates.
Mojo also enjoyed rendezvousing with some visiting cuties, including Pepper
November saw several cast changes in the continuing soap opera (or is it a sitcom?) Goats of Our Lives (“Like pellets through the hourglass . . . .”)
In anticipation of their relocation together, Ice Ice Baby moved to the Gentlemen’s Club to get acquainted with Draco.
They proceeded to introduce themselves head-to-head
until Draco broke off a scur, bloodying them both
but no real harm was done and they soon reached an accommodation
and departed peacefully together
along with Tikka and Eris
for their new home, a wonderful dairy in New Auburn, WI, that includes several other MeadowWild alumnae.
We're always delighted to place youngsters where we know they will be well cared for.
(photos courtesy of McKinsey)
(photos courtesy of McKinsey)
All month long Santa’s Busiest Elf ©
has been crafting items for the holiday season
including lots of goats' milk soaps
goats' milk caramels
and cajeta
which she will offer at TJ's Christkindl Market on Dec 1
and which are available for order on the MeadowWild website.
Instead of letters to Santa, the goats are writing to Baphomet with their Goatmas wishes.
Mojo got an early Goatmas gift:
when his companion Draco relocated to Wisconsin, Mojo moved to the main barn to winter with the non-milking girls. (They aren't nearly as delighted.)
We enjoyed Thanksgiving with a few good friends.
Barb cooked up a multi-course storm, which included a dried apple pie
and a flan with a caramel base for gorgeous goats' milk custard.
We moved Momma Kitty's feeding dish toward the top of Mount Hay Bales so she wouldn't have to share her Thanksgiving Meow Mix with the skunk.
She sleeps on the top layer of bales, so can easily reach the dish.
Alas, an elusive, uninvited yellow cat can also reach that level and has been helping him/herself to Momma's stash:
Dustin continues to believe that his mission in life is to block access to the computer monitor by day
and by night.
He takes an occasional break to compose his own wish list
to Santy Claws.