
Spring Sprang

Instead of flowers, late May brought snow, brown fields
and a tardy leafing out.
But then June exploded in green
finally bringing the flowers
and adding some color to walks around the neighborhood.
Some neighbors stare back at the walkers.

The MeadowWild Farm herd enjoys the fresh greenery
trekking out regularly to the back pasture.
Arabica conserves energy by lying down while browsing
and doesn't have far to go for a nap.
Of course the grass on the other side of the fence always tastes better
but it's not nearly as delicious as the plastic chair.
Cheeky & Arabica spend their nights in the Gentleman's Club
with Grande Dame Dream
but then join the rest of the herd for forays into the long grass.
And who might these buxom young ladies be?
It's hard to recognize the Geisha of three months ago
who seemed to be posing for a Margaret Keane painting after she was rejected by her mother
or little Viva, Juju's orphan.
The two bottle babies have prospered
and grown into healthy, energetic, rambunctious teenagers.
Because their pal Chandra is now enjoying life at Split Rick Farm

Chandra's mom Eclipse has to exercise her maternal instincts
by riding herd on Viva & Geisha.
The girls enjoy a new toy that Barb built for them out of a platform on a heavy spring secured in concrete.
The goal is to see who can stay on the bucking platform longest
while being attacked by everyone else.
But it's not all fun & games on this working farm.  Kona leads the milkers in production
combining with Momo (ummmmmmm, let's eat!)
and Eclipse (hey, where's the dang food?) 
 for an average average of about 3 gallons per day.  (Barb says that adds up to a lot of squeezes!)
Geisha & Viva contribute to the effort by making as much noise as they can during the twice daily milkings.
Bubba, the Farm's other livestock, has never been big on hygiene.  Because he won't bathe himself and objects mightily to being combed, his long hair gets ratty and matted; if left unattended, the tangles pull on his skin and could get infected
so off he went to the vet for a "lion cut"
leaving him pretty much bare nekkid between his head and tail.
We tell him he looks very leonine and majestic
and not the least bit like a dork.
His fur has been growing slowly back and now covers up his liver spots again.
It was a bumper year for birds visiting the orange halves on the front lamp post.
Orioles were spectacular, as usual,
but we also got quite a few Catbirds
and Rose-breasted grosbeaks.
The geese who waited so patiently for ice to leave the pond
produced 5 goslings
and have kept them safe from a passel of neighborhood predators.
The kids are teenagers now;
soon they'll be off to college.
Among the non-caprine, feline or avian critters visiting this spring are the frogs and toads who get so loud at night
and painted turtles up from the pond to lay their eggs -- and freak out the goats
who would really have something to worry about if this foot-and-a-half long snapping turtle on Spring Lake Road came to visit.
The Farmers got away for a couple of trips during June,
first to the Minnesota Dairy Goat Association Youth Show in Sauk Rapids, MN

where Barb helped out with the festivities
and then to Bayfield, WI, for a terrific performance by 
Ladysmith Black Mambazo
and a pleasant overnite at the gorgeously landscaped Winfield Inn
with its view of nearby Madeline Island.
Friend and neighbor Rick filled in as guest milker, earning Momo's undying gratitude and affection.