
Summer slips away

Summer draws to a close on the Farm.
The last hay is cut
and before the snow flies Steve is exploring new stretches of the Munger Trail
that feature bridges over the St. Louis River.
On Labor Day the Farmers zipped down to the State Fair. 
 Barb had to attend a board meeting of the Minnesota Dairy Goat Association
 while Steve toured the Midway
and admired the crop art
and the butter heads.
He also sampled way too much gourmet fair cuisine.
By the time Barb's meeting adjourned
the crowds were getting unbearable
so the Farmers beat a hasty retreat back north.

On Sept 10 the Goat Ladies were featured at the Harvest Fest in Duluth.
 The goats they brought were a huge attraction
 as were their demonstrations of hoof trimming
 soap making
 and milking.
Fall colors started to appear by late August.
 The renegade squash vine continued to explode in the warm weather
 but then got nipped by a heavy frost on Sept 14th. 
 Some of the squashes had gotten enormous
 as a yard stick indicated --
even bigger than Steve's head, as suggested by his bike helmet.
Barb is excited about  going to Massachusetts next month for a two-day workshop on making Italian cheeses
and Steve will tag along on the trip for an opportunity to visit Walden Pond.  Look for photos in the next blog installment.